MYHackathon - Digitalising Government Services


Malaysia has been introduced to the concept of a National Digital Identity for over 20 years but the take up rate by the public has been negligible. We discovered the key reasons the Rakyat refrains from signing up for it including the perceived lack of security to protect their identity, the lack of inter agency services offered on a single platform and the lack of transparency on who will be access their data. FortNynja being a cybersecurity company has been able to develop, trial and address all 3 of these issues on a single web application that incorporates corporate grade identity verification, modularized features for agencies to drag and drop services and functional dashboard tracking of identity access control at the individual level that can be further enhances using Blockchain technology to increase security and transparency.

Company Name

FortNynja Sdn Bhd


Prihatin Rakyat

Overshoot our UAT target by 130% with strong take up rates from the public

Final prototype completed and tested ahead of time in July 2021. Overachieved target by 129%

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